Saturday, June 6, 2009

In response to Ashley's Eureka moment.

I'm well aware of the feeling of starting a new job. I worked at the same company for the past 6 years when last October, the entire company was laid-off. Now this was during a horrible time in the United States economy, not to mention the highest unemployment rate ever in the state of New Jersey. It was just a horrible time to lose a job. With nothing really going for me, I applied to temp agencies around the area and even still, there was barely any kind of work. So I would do odd jobs for a week here, or a month there. I felt very intimidated meeting new people every time I started a new job. Especially as a temp because you are only there for a really short period of time.
My view of co-workers is this, you spend 8 or more hours a day with these people. Sometimes you see them more than your own family. So I believe there's pressure to be accepted by these people and pressure on myself to like these people so you can be happy at your job. Thank the lord I love the people at my new job. 3 months in and I feel real comfortable at work.

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